Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Statue of Liberty by Margaret Bourke White 1930


I really like this photo of the Satue of Liberty because I have never seen this iconic figure been photographed like this before. It seems truly original and shows that Maragret really had a unique point of view. I like the shadows that the statue creates and besides those shadows most of the picture is really light. Even though I have never seen this view of the Statue of Liberty, right away i recognized what it was a picture of.

All of Margaret's work is really true and not fake. Her pictures are documentries of what was going on during those times. They are all extremly detailed and most have a high depth of field.

Her documentation compares to modern documentation by the fact that her pictures are real and true. Nothing is fake or set up. Based on the architutcure and the people in her photos you can tell around what time period it is.

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