Saturday, November 3, 2012

This photo is funny. I like how the twins are dressed alike and have the same hair style and are standing the same way but their face expressions are totally different. The dark clothes against the white wall createas good contrasrt.

Her work is very focused on faces and people expression and how they are feeling through thier faces.  They all have nice contrast and your eye really goes to the faces of the subjects.

The subject matter is funny and interesting. Some seem as they are emotionless and other faces are conveying so much emotion. All her photos focus on faces and and their emotions and it is really cool.

By: Diane Arbus A young man with curlers 1966

At first I thought this was a girl but then I read the title and I saw that it wasn't. The black shirt and white cigarette against the light background create good contrast. I like the attitude it seems like he is giving. I also like how the right to the cigarette is shadowy in the background and on his face. I like the overall photo.

By: Diane Arbus Triplets in their bedroom 1963

Back in 1963 I think triplets were less common then they are today so the fact that they are triplets and all look alike makes the photo cool. I really like the dark patterned background against thier whit shirts and then their pants are really dark to the lighter bed cover. They are not really conveying expression but the contrast in the photo is cool.

 By:Diane Arbus Child with a toy hand grenade

This photo is funny. The boy's facial expression is quite interseting and he is so thin that the starp on his overalls are falling down. The constrast between his clothes and the background are good. There is a lower depth of field but the people in the background are still visible. Before I read the title I did not realize that he was even holing a toy grenade and it is weird that he is. The overall picture is funny and interseting.
 By: Brassaï (Gyula Halász)

I really like this photo. It shows how Brassai plays with light , shadow, and darkness. The littlie girl is just walking by herself playing with the lights under her feet and the grown-ups in the back are just waling quickly to continue with their daily chores.

All of Brassai's work has a romantic feel and plays a lot with darkness, and random glimese of light to create shadow and contrast.

This light plays a key role in his photography because it creates the shadows and contrast when most of his photos are taken at night.
 By: Brassai (Gyula Halasz) Prostitute at angle of Rue de la Reynie and Rue Quincampoix

This photo is really cool. I like it a lot. You can tell it was taken at night and the only thing that lights up the photo and gives it contrast is a street light. I really like the shadow of the girl and how you can see her silouette. Based on the title of the picture I'm assuming the girl in the photo is a prostitute but she does not look like one or at least not one that would be in mordern times. I reall like this photo though.
 By: Brassai (Gyula Halasz) Open Gutter 1933

This photo is cool the way strret lights are htiing the dar street, creating contrast in the picture. I also like the curvyness of the road. It make my eye follow thre bricks in the street till I can't see the bricks anymore. You can also tell the photo was taken at night and it is an overall intersting photo.
 By: Brassai (Gyula Halasz) Lovers in a Bistro

This picture is nice. It is romantic and does not seemed staged. The emotions in this photo are captured extremly well. The overall picture is dark but the contrast between his shirt and her outfit is nice. If I could retake this photo I would somehow try to provide more light.

The Statue of Liberty by Margaret Bourke White 1930


I really like this photo of the Satue of Liberty because I have never seen this iconic figure been photographed like this before. It seems truly original and shows that Maragret really had a unique point of view. I like the shadows that the statue creates and besides those shadows most of the picture is really light. Even though I have never seen this view of the Statue of Liberty, right away i recognized what it was a picture of.

All of Margaret's work is really true and not fake. Her pictures are documentries of what was going on during those times. They are all extremly detailed and most have a high depth of field.

Her documentation compares to modern documentation by the fact that her pictures are real and true. Nothing is fake or set up. Based on the architutcure and the people in her photos you can tell around what time period it is.
 By: Margaret Bourke-White Cocktails on Gorky Street, Moscow 1941

The dark floors, leading to the light walls and beams is really pretty. The architectuarl structure of the whole room is beautiful, especially the steps. The whole picture looks really elegant including the people and everyone looks like they are having a good time.However, in contrast, in 1941 Moscow was at war and most of it's people were living in brutal conditions. Overall I really like the picture though.
 By: Margaret Bourke-White Fort Peck Dam 1936

This photo is a little boring to me. It has a lot of repitition in it. The lighting is very nice with the use of natural lighting. The strucures are impressive but the overall picture does not appeal to me or catch my eye. If I were to retake the picture I would Take it of something else.
By: Margaret Bourke -White
 Tractor Factory, Stalingard 1930

This photo is interesting. My eye first goes to the man behind the big wheel. His facial expressing is really wierd. The big wheels are really cool. You can see the detail within them and the detail or the poeple behind them, making it a high depth of field. I wouldn't change anything about the photo except for the guys face. It is really strange.